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- Have Unequal Elysia Shirt Exclusive & New - TLC
In 10 color colors and the bra in 9. Possibility to change the top color,
metals, front stripes and to hide the top.
- Have Unequal Elysia Top Exclusive & New - Dubai Event
In 9 colors, possibility to can change the waist and metals in the hud.
Elysia Outfit is available for Maitreya and Legacy.
- .::WoW Skins::. Lin Skin & Shape Lelutka EvoX New - Mainstore
(Head used Avalon, but will suit all EvoX heads, shin shade toffee).
Bom skin (head & body- full body bom), 7 skin tones, brows & browles options, 2 cleavage options, 1 chubby belly option, shape c/m included, ears skin layer (for EVO X). Body skin included (Maitreya-Legacy-Kupra Inithium).
- Stealthic - Allure Hairstyle - Mainstore
- Head: Lelutka EvoX Avalon 3.1 - Mainstore
- Body: Legacy Female 1.4 - Mainstore