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- Akeruka Creations - [AK ADVX] Val Head v1.6 Bento New - Mainstore
Is a full ADVX head with all new features ( Elf, Vampire, Mermaid ears, Splitted tongue, HUD for them all and much more) and like all ADVX heads you can use EVOX skins and EVOX BOM make up on her.
Comes in 20 colors and 4 packs(fatpack discounted). Included: Lelutka appliers for Evo/EvoX), BOM layers(for AK ADVX, HDPRO, EvoX), Omega appliers(for any mesh head supporting Omega).
- Moccino Estella Skin For Lelutka EvoX - Mainstore
Included with purchase: skin baked on mesh (BOM), brows/ no brows, shape.
(showed Rose Kiss tone, shape AK ADVX Val Bento head).
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore
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