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- Guapa Val Skin Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Val skin for Lelutka Evo X, compatible with all heads using the Evo X UV map. What's included: face skin (with and without brows) in 12 tones, base eyebrows, custom shape for Lelutka Avalon Head 4.0/Ebody Reborn, ears skin, 9 lip options, 3 eyebrow tone variations.
- Angel Eyes Messy 20 Hairbase EvoX Fatpack New - Uber
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The hairbase only for Lelutka, Akeruka & Catwa Evo X heads, 25 colors in fatpack, BoM (tattoo layers), skinless, tintable. Also available in B&W only version (sold separately).
100% original product.
- Sorumin Puffer Jacket Fatpack New - Anthem
& after event - Mainstore& - Marketplace
Sizes: LaraX, Legacy, eBody Reborn, Gen.X classic & curvy. Copy, no transfer, modify. Jacket comes as 7 packs in 4 colors each pack. Additionally each purchase
has hud for turtleneck (8 colors) and scarf (16 colors). Both are optional and can be hidden. Fatpacks don't have any special options, all of options are available in every purchase.
- [Rezz Room] Evil Teddy Animesh Fatpack New - ManCave
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
The Evil Teddy in 3 skins options - evil or cute. 3 versions: holdable in arm (both arms), holdable in hand (left hand), companion.
- Stealthic Lift Hair Fatpack - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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