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- Ives.Beauty Jodi Skin Fat Pack New - Level (February 1st - 25th)
Demo also available - Mainstore
The Jodi skin made for Lelutka EvoX, 12 skintones compatible w/ Velour body skins. Included in each purchase: ears and skin as BoM Layers w/ built-in neckblends, brows: light, dark and no brow options, shapes for head and brows (shown VE Sunkiss skintone).
The Amore eyes are unisex eyes in 20 color choices and 3 sclera options each.
Supporting: Lelutka Evo, EvoX, omega, mesh, BoM.
- Livia Angel Love Jewelry Set Fat Pack New - Access (February 1st - 20th)
& after event - Mainstore
The earrings: rigged for Lel EvoX female human and LEX miHD female human ears. Show/hide each earring- customize gems (12 colors), metals (6 colors). Rings: rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Gen.X. Show/hide - customize gems (12 colors), metals (6 colors).
- SugarBun Bear Ice Cream Strawberry - Marketplace
The Bear ice cream fat pack comes in 5 different flavors.
You can buy each flavor separately or as fat pack.
- Doux Carlie Hair Blogger Pack New - Mainstore
- Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
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