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- WarPaint HD Honeydew Lipgloss Fat Pack New - Uber
& after event - Mainstore
The Honeydew lipgloss is available in the following packs: Lelutka Evo/EvoX (set 1 / set 2 / fat pack): HD appliers for Lelutka Evolution heads (Evo Classic & EvoX), Genus (set 1 / set 2 / fat pack): HD appliers for Genus Project heads, Catwa HDPro (set 1 / set 2 / fat pack): HD appliers for Catwa HDPro heads.
The Weed collection interactive mesh, female, holdable, animated, copy only, resizable. Includes: 2 anims options for weed, dispenser box, lighter, 5 silk colors, 4 metal colors, 5 box colors. Instruction notecard included.
- Nerido Ksyu Shirt/Bra Fat Pack New - Mainstore
Sizes: Lara + Petite, Legacy + Perky. Luxury and custom textures.
- Wings EF0401 Hair Fat Pack - Mainstore
This hairstyle has four style, hair (rigged). Including three head size and 4 kinds of breast size, materialsre. Color hud: grays & browns, blondes & reds, variety & omber, streaks, morandi (fat pack only), tint color hud.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
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