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- TheSkinnery Seda (CatwaHDPRO) Skin Fat Pack New - Skin Fair 2023
(March 10th - 27th)
Demos also available - Mainstore
Available in 8 skintones, Bom. Shape designed for Catwa HDPRO Emerald. Compatible with all Catwa HDPRO heads, 5 eyebrow options (browless included), neck blend.
Comes in 20 colors and 4 packs(fatpack discounted). Included: Lelutka appliers for Evo/EvoX), BOM layers(for AK ADVX, HDPRO, EvoX), Omega appliers(for any mesh head supporting Omega).
- Rama.Salon Angie Hair - Mainstore
- Catwa HDPRO Queen Bento Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore
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