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- Guapa Sisi Skin For Lelutka EvoX & AK ADVX Happy Weekend 60L - Mainstore
Compatible with Velour body skins - 9 tones(brow and browless), BOM.
Shape and style card included.
- Cynful Wish Dress Redux '23 Updated Sizes Happy Weekend 60L - Mainstore
Now in sizes for Kupra, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Maitreya and Reborn bodies.
- LaGyo Queen of Hearts Earrings New - Cupid Inc. & after event - Mainstore
Heart earrings with HUD, resizer HUD.
- LaGyo BonTon Handbag New - Kustom9(Event opening date: February 15th)
& after event - Mainstore
The BonTon bag available in 9 single colors, each one with 3 metals HUD and an animation HUD with 4 bento poses. Each bag is no mod/copy with resizer HUD. The fatpack includes 6 exclusive colors.
Freya comes with styling options, highlight enhancement system, built in hairbase, 2 head sizes, breastsize. Optional festival glitter sparkle option.
- Synnergy.Tavis What Dreams May Come Backdrop New - Second Life Shop&Hop
& after event - Mainstore
Backdrop is 100% mesh. Photo scene and comes copy/modify.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore