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- Guapa Suki Skin Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Suki skin for Lelutka Evo X, compatible with all heads using the Evo X UV map. What's included: face skin (with and without brows) in 12 tones, base eyebrows, custom shape for Lelutka Avalon head 4.0/Legacy body, ears skin, 4 lip options.
- Lotus Maple Eyes Funpack New - Mainstore
Unisex eyes for Lel Evo, EvoX. Eye pack include: Lelutka applier, BOM layer, 5 common colours, apply left/right. All prizes are transfer, copy, fatpack available.
- Sorumin Hooded Scarf Fatpack New - Kustom9
& after event - Mainstore& - Marketplace
One size, 4 boobs size options. Copy, no transfer, modify.
For better results don't wear hair. Add your favorite hairbase and some bangs.
- Sorumin Get Warm Gloves Fatpack - Mainstore& - Marketplace
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.7.1 Body - Mainstore
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