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Andrea 🌟❤️

Writer: monikamonikute2000monikamonikute2000

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- WarPaint Harmony Closed Eyes Ad Fat Pack New - Anthem & after event - Mainstore

The Harmony Closed Eyes include the following: EvoX BoM layers (editable) in 12 natural skintones, demo available, both at the event and at the mainstore. The BoM layers provided have modify permissions, so you can fine tune each tone to taste.

- WarPaint Opulence Lashes Fat Pack New - Mainstore

The Opulence lashes are compatible with Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads and include the following eyelash appliers: glitter lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), black eyelashes with glitter. For these lashes to appear correctly, the eyelashes must be tinted white via your LeL hud. Tintable lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), white tintable eyelashes. These lashes can be tinted any colour through your mesh head hud (shown top only).

- WarPaint HD Morello Lip Glaze Fat Pack New - Mainstore

The Morello Lip Glaze is available: Lelutka Evo, EvoX (set 1, set 2, fat pack): HD appliers for Lelutka Evolution (Evo Classic and EvoX), Genus (set 1, set 2, fat pack): HD appliers for Genus Project, Catwa HDPro (set 1, set 2, fat pack): HD appliers for Catwa HDPro.

- Orsini Jewel Care Andrea Choker Fat Pack For Happy Weekend New - Mainstore

Rigged for Maitreya, LaraX, Belleza Gen.X classic and curvy, Legacy, Inithium, Reborn.

- Orsini Jewel Care Andrea Bracelets Fat Pack For Happy Weekend New - Mainstore

Rigged for Maitreya, LaraX, Belleza Gen.X classic and curvy, Legacy, Inithium, Reborn.

- Wings ES1230 Hair (Grays & Browns) New - Anthem & after event - Mainstore

This hairstyle has four style, hair (rigged), including three head size and 4 kinds of breast size, materials, color hud, tint color hud.

- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore

- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore

Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️



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