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- Eudora Beauty Angelina Skin Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Angelina skin for Lelutka EvoX, Akeruka ADVX EvoX, Catwa EvoX. Skins available in
11 Velour and 8 Eudora Beauty tones. Included: face skin (with brows and browless), base eyebrows, shape for Lelutka Avalon Head 4.0, ears skin (shown Velour Sienna skin tone).
- Lotus Loveletter Eyes Fatpack New - Equal10
& after event - Mainstore
Unisex eyes for Lel Evo, EvoX. Eye packs include: Lelutka applier, mesh eyes, BOM, 25 common + 3 rare + 1 special edition colours. All prizes are transfer, copy, fatpack available. Included in all boxes: applier HUD for Lelutka (works with both Evo and EvoX).
- Angel Eyes Updo 7 Hairbase EvoX Fatpack New - Level
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
The hairbase only for Lelutka, Akeruka & Catwa Evo X heads, 25 colors in fatpack, 2K BOM (tattoo layers), skinless, tintable. Also available in B&W only version (sold separately). 100% original product.
- Alani Blossom Gloss EvoX Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore
1 EvoX HD lip applier hud with 12 options.
- Azoury Orcelys Necklace Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore
The Orcelys not rigged necklace, one with PBR, one without PBR. Copy/modif/no trans, with resizer/stretch included.
- Seeker Blair Bracelets Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore
Supports: LaraX, Reborn, Legacy, GenX, Kupra. Hud: 16 colors . mix-match ability, unrigged/resize version included only in fatpack. Copy/modify for fatPack only.
- Boutique#187 Butterfly Cig Holder Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore
The Butterfly cig holder 100% original mesh, hud : 14 cig styles, 9 beads colors, 12 metal colors (X2), 12 butterfly colors, 16 mouthpiece colors, resize, right hand bento holding animation, high priority. No anim versions included.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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