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- TheSkinnery Asako (LelutkaEvoX) Skin Fatpack New - Collabor88
Demos also available - Mainstore
2K BoM, shape designed for Camila, compatible with all EvoX heads, 5 eyebrow options (browless included)/Makeup Kit, neck blend built in, hairbase option on skin, HD ears.
- Top1Salon HD Dear Lipstick Fatpack New - Equal10
& after event - Mainstore
4 pallets 10 colors HD lipsticks for Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads.
- Kunglers Petal Earrings Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Resizable. Texture hud with lots of colors to different parts.
- Lelutka Camila 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.7.1 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️