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- Guapa Astrid Skin Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Astrid skin for Lelutka EvoX, compatible with all heads using the EvoX UV map.
Included: face skin (with and without brows) in 12 tones, base eyebrows, custom shape
for Lelutka Avalon head 4.0 / Ebody Reborn, ears skin, 10 lip options, 5 eyebrow shades.
- Faga. Chimera Hair Fatpack For Happy Weekend Sale New - Mainstore
Rigged hair: 3 head sizes, 4 breast sizes, 4 separate color packs,
style hud (included in each package).
- ViSion Sharon Top Fatpack For Happy Weekend Sale New - Mainstore
Available sizes: Reborn + Waifu, Legacy + Perky + Bombshell, Maitreya LaraX + PetiteX.
The Sharon top features: 22 colors top satin, 22 colors top fabric, 8 colors top leather, 8 colors top leather pattern, 10 colors top patterns, 22 colors satin/ fabric customize, 8 colors/patterns leather customize, 4 colors patterns customize.
- .SugarBun. Peachy Drink Fatpack - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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