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- Ives.Beauty Giselle Skin Fat Pack New - Level
Demo also available - Mainstore
Giselle skin made for Lelutka EvoX (shown on Avalon), 10 skintones compatible w/Velour body skins. Flippable skin, pick which side the shine of your face will be. Included in each purchase: skin as .tattoo BoM layers w/built-in neckblends, ears as universal BoM layers, brows/no brows options, shapes for head and brows. Layers are modifiable for tinting (shown VE Sunkiss skintone, shape my own).
Comes in 20 colors and 4 packs (plus a discounted fat pack). Included: Lelutka appliers (for Evo, EvoX), Genus 2 appliers, Catwa appliers (Classic, HDPRO and EvoX lines), BoM layers
(for AK ADVX, Catwa/HDPRO, Catwa/EvoX, LeL EvoX).
- Top1Salon HD Vinyl Lipstick Fat Pack New - Black Fair & after event -Mainstore
4 pallets 10 colors hd lipsticks for Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads. Every variation have in 2 styles.
The Opulence lashes are compatible with Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads and include the following eyelash appliers: glitter lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), black eyelashes with glitter. For these lashes to appear correctly, the eyelashes must be tinted white via your LeL hud. Tintable lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), white tintable eyelashes. These lashes can be tinted any colour through your mesh head hud.
The lovely floral set composed of statement collier and paired earrings. They will be available in 11 colors (4 metals and 8 plain colors). All no mod/copy with resizer hud.
- Rama.Salon Verity Hair Fat Pack - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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