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- Adorsy Bizzy Set Fat Pack New - Cosmopolitan & after event -Mainstore
The Bizzy set includes: fur fat pack 25 colors, top fat pack 60 colors, shorts 40 fat pack 40 colors, denim shorts 45 colors. Set also includes boots fat pack 40 colors.
Sizes: Maitreya LaraX + PetiteX, Legacy, Reborn.
- Omy Roslyn Bento Animated & Breathing Poses Fat Pack New - Anthem
& after event - Mainstore
Casual, relaxed and natural this set is a must have for you custom AO or photos.
The Roslyn comes 4 poses with and without eye focus, giving your avi more a of vibe.
- Rama.Salon Kyra Hair Natural Pack + Styler HUD New - The Statement Arena
& after event - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️