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- Cynful Call Me Set Fatpack New - Equal10 (07/10-08/05)
& after event - Mainstore
The Call Me bodysuit available sizes: Maitreya Lara X + Maitreya Petite X, Legacy +
Legacy Perky, eBody Reborn, eBody Reborn + Rolls, eBody Reborn Waifu, eBody Reborn Waifu + Rolls. Single size basic colors: each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic hud, 2 top styles (modest + sexy), 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 4 basic bodysuit colors,
4 basic top colors, 4 basic bow colors, 4 basic panties colors, 8 metal clip colors, 2 material options + off option. Upgrade huds: with the upgrade hud (each 9 colors), possibility to
add more colors to your 'single size basic' version. Single size fatpack: each purchased single size fatpack includes: your purchased body size, choose between 2 top styles (modest + sexy), 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 31 bodysuit colors, 31 top colors, 31 bow colors, 31 panties colors, 8 metal clip colors, 2 material options + off option. All sizes fatpack: all available sizes + future body updates. All advertised sizes included, choose between 2 top styles (modest + sexy), 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 31 bodysuit colors, 31 top colors, 31 bow colors, 31 panties colors, 8 metal clip colors, 2 material options + off option. The Call Me mini skirt available sizes: Maitreya Lara X, Legacy, eBody Reborn, eBody Reborn + Rolls. Single size basic colors: each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic hud 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 4 basic skirt colors, 4 basic pantie colors +
on/off option 2 material options + off option. Upgrade huds: with the upgrade hud (each
9 colors), possibility to add more colors to your 'single size basic' version. Single size
fatpack: each purchased single size fatpack includes: your purchased body size, choose between 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 31 skirt colors, 31 pantie colors + on/off option, 2 material options + off option. All sizes fatpack: all available sizes + future body updates.
All advertised sizes included choose between 2 texture styles (soft + sharp), 31 skirt colors,
31 pantie colors + on/off option, 2 material options + off option.
- Store Mona Photo Drink Fatpack For The Saturday Sale - Marketplace (07/17 - 07/19)
Interactive mesh, holdable, copy only, resizable, unisex, materials enabled, 3 anim options, post your favorite photo.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️