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- Vobe Camis Set Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Camis set comes with 16 latex and 5 metals. The single colors come with the hud available for changing the metals and pasties option. The set is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Ebody Reborn and Juicy Rolls.
- Peas Hanky Panky Paddles Fat Pack New - Kinky & after event - Marketplace
5 designs to choose from, each sold separately, 2 bento animations left and right, 9 bento poses left and right, interactive menu with 21 fun phrases - your hanky panky is also equipped with and interactive menu, which enables your spanker to emote to you and/or your friends. 20% off fat pack at event.
- Peas Buzz Buddy Fat Pack New - Marketplace
Fat Pack includes 7 designs to choose from, each sold separately: Unicorn - Ms Horn-y, Cow - Big Mac, Rabbit - Bad Bunny, Original - Good Vibrations, Devil - MR Sin, Angel - Pure Love, Barbie - Who Needs Ken. Left and right animation, bento poses left/right. Click to make it talk in local by adding your own chat.
- Doux Roseanne Hair - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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