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- Lueur Carys Skin for Lel EvoX - Mainstore
4 Lueur skin tones, 7 Velour skin tones, 2 brow options, HD ears, includes shape for Lel Evox Brianna, Legacy (shown skin shade Rosekiss, Lel Evox Lilly).
Unisex eyes, 8 colors included in each collection. Included in all packs: applier HUD for Lel Evo, Lel EvoX, BOM eyes, 1 pair of un-rigged mesh Eyes with a HUD.
Option to apply left/right on all HUDs.
10 colors in 5 skin tones HD eyeshadows for Lelutka Evo, Lelutka EvoX.
- Lexa Store Pinki Coffin Nails New - Vintage Fair & after event - Mainstore
Compatible with Mesh bodies: Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Belleza, Slink, E. Reborn.
- LaGyo Eden Headpiece & Earrings New - Kustom9 (June round)
& after event - Mainstore
Available in 2 metals (gold and silver) and a deluxe version with HUD for both the metal base and the crystals (3 extra mixed crystals for the earrings).
- Lelutka Lilly 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body -Mainstore