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- Adorsy Catia Outfit Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan (09/16-09/28)
& after event - Mainstore
The Catia outfit includes: ripped jeans with optioanl fishnet legings fatpack 45 colors (25 basic + 20 denim prints), top fatpack 65 colors (45 basic + 20 prints). Set also includes shoes fatpack 45 colors. Sizes: Lara X, Petite X, Legacy + Push Up, Reborn + Juicy.
- Deperla Poses Set 71 Fatpack New - Cosmopolitan (09/16-09/28)
& after event - Mainstore
The pose set of 10 static poses, 10 breathing animations, 10 soft movement animations (mirrored included). Perfect for your photos or AO.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.7 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️