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- Lotus Aundance Eyes New - Level Event & after event - Mainstore
Unisex eyes sold as fatpacks, 12 colors included in each collection. Included in all packs: applier HUD for Lelutka, BOM eyes. 1 pair of un-rigged mesh eyes with a HUD.
- Top1Salon HD Cutie Lipstick New - Dollholic Event & after event - Mainstore
4 pallets 10 colors HD lipsticks for Lelutka Evo, Lelutka Evox.
Every variation have in 2 styles.
- Gothic Mermaid Booboo Bento Nails New - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Sizes: Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Ebody Reborn, K-Erika.
- LaGyo Cherry Love Set New - Cupid Fault Event & after event - Mainstore
Composed of: headpiece, necklace, earrings Pack A and Pack B (2 styles each). Everything mod/copy unrigged.
- Michan Tara Bracelets Gift - Valentine Shop and Hop
Unrigged mesh, resizable bracelets with materials enabled.
Comes with color options in the HUD.
- Phoenix Phoebe Hairstyle New - Cupid Ink Event (opens 02/05/22)
& after event - Marketplace& - Mainstore
3 head sizes, styling options, build in hairbase, highlight enhancement system.
- Lelutka Kaya 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore