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- Romazin Jewelry Simona Choker New - Shiny Shabby Event
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy Classic (Perky). HUD with 7 metal, 12 stone, 13 cloch. 100% original mesh & textures.
- Romazin Jewelry Rimma Diadem - Mainstore & Marketplace
HUD with 7 metal, 10 stone, resize. 100% original mesh & textures.
- Promagic Emily Earcuffs EvoX - Mainstore
HUD with 6 metals.
- Tutti Belli Makeup Happier Lipstics Collection New - Mainstore
Collection: 9 lipstick shades available for Lelutka Evo/Evo X.
- Tutti Belli Makeup Cat Double Eyeliner Collection - Mainstore
Collection: 9 eyeliner shades available for Lelutka Evolution X.
- Tutti Belli Makeup Black Beauty Power Hairbase - Mainstore
Hairbase for Lelutka EvoX in 10 colors, BOM.
- Lelutka Lilly 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore