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- Adorsy Electra Set New - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya, Maitreya Petite, Legacy, Kupra. Set includes: knitted shirt fɑt pɑck 60 colors (40 bɑsic + 20 prints), knitted skirt fɑt pɑck 70 colors (40 bɑsic + 20 prints), denim shirt fɑt pɑck 45 colors (25 bɑsic + 20 prints), denim skirt fɑt pɑck 45 colors (25 bɑsic + 20 prints).
100% original mesh. HUD: 10 leather colors (X3), 3 metal colors, resize. Bento holding animation, high priority, hand free, 3 versions included: shoulder, left and right forearm.
- Romazin Jewelry Nusi Garters Group Gift - Mainstore
Exclusive gift for members of the free group Romazin Jeweler (secondlife: /// app / group / 3f8f7538-76c8-ca2c-dd93-c4c8a4a478c1 / about).
- Lelutka Halle 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore