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- Genus Project MORPHtoon Bento Head v1.1.1 New - Mainstore
- Top1Salon Mizu Skin 2K BOM For Genus MORPHtoon Fatpack New - TresChic
& after event - Mainstore
The Mizu skin compatible w/Velour's body skins, 4 human tones, 4 fantasy skin tones. Every tone includes add-ons 2K BoM: sad anime eyebrows, anime eyeliner+anime eyeshadow, relax and mad anime eyebrows, 5 colors of lipstick 100%, 75% opacity, nose/cheeks blush. 30 BoM layers for Genus MORPHtoon heads, tint different colors and opacity included.
- Michan Sora Necklace Fatpack New - The Fifty
& after event - Mainstore
The necklace for Maitreya LaraX, Reborn, Legacy. Show/hide options.
- [Rezz Room] Fairy Animesh Fatpack New - The Magical Fair
- Mainstore & - Marketplace
The Fairy animesh box includes: 2 versions light/dark - 2 options companion/shoulder. Fatpack includes light and dark + black and white skins, PBR/Legacy, 4 colors in each pack.
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