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- ViSion Alana Dress Fat Pack Update New - Mainstore
The Alana has been updated to Maitreya LaraX + PetiteX. Available in 25 colors + 10 prints: 25 colors lace, 25 colors bows, 25 colors panties sheer option up to 45%, on/off switch. Sizes: Maitreya Lara + Maitreya LaraX + PetiteX, Legacy + Perky, Kupra, Reborn + Waifu + Juicy, Belleza Gen.X Classic.
The Thalia anklets available for Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya + Lara X.
Show/hide options in the hud.
The Sarita Heels with animated diamonds, on/off via hud.
Sizes: Legacy, Maitreya Lara X, Reborn.
- Rama.Salon Yes, and Hair Natural Pack + Styler HUD New - Equal10
& after event - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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