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- TheSkinnery Indira (Lelutka EvoX) Skin BoM Fatpack New - The Fifty
Demos also available - Mainstore
Shape designed for Avalon, compatible with all EvoX heads, 5 eyebrow options (browless included), makeup kit, neck blend built in, hairbase option on skin, HD ears (new version).
- Stardust Yukino Eyes Fatpack New - Uber
& after event - Mainstore
The Yukino eyes are unisex eyes in 20 color choices and 3 sclera options each.
Supporting: Lelutka Evo, EvoX, omega, mesh, BoM.
- WarPaint Paillette Liner Fatpack New - Uber
& after event - Mainstore
The Paillette liner is available in the following packs: LeL EvoX: EvoX BoM layers, Genus 4K: 4K BoM layers for Genus Project/Morph heads, SLUV [previously named BoM Classic]: Classic BoM layers for SLUV heads (standard UV map). Fatpack: all contents listed above.
- Angel Eyes Messy 21 Hairbase EvoX Fatpack New - Uber
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
The hairbase only for Lelutka, Akeruka & Catwa Evo X heads, 25 colors in fatpack,
BOM (tattoo layers), skinless, tintable. Also available in B&W only version (sold separately). 100% original product.
- Kunglers India Jewels Fatpack New - Fameshed
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
The India hand jewels with rings and bracelet that wear as one piece.
Comes with a texture hud for different pearls, flowers and metallic shades.
Skinned for Lara & LaraX, Legacy and Reborn.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.7.1 Body - Mainstore
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