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- Eudora Beauty Isabelly Skin Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Isabelly skin for Lelutka EvoX, Akeruka ADVX EvoX, Catwa EvoX. Skins available in 11 Velour and 8 Eudora Beauty tones. Included: face skin (with brows and browless), base eyebrows, shape for Lelutka Avalon Head 3.1, ears skin (shown Velour Chantilly skin tone, shape my own).
- Yoshi Alina II Eyes Fat Pack - Mainstore
Includes: mesh eyes, Catwa applier, Lelutka Evolution applier, Omega applier, BoM, 12 exclusive colors in fat pack.
- WarPaint HD Joyeux Eyeshadow Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Joyeux eyeshadow is available in the following packs: LeL Evo/EvoX: HD appliers for Lelutka Evolution heads (Evo Classic & EvoX) + EvoX BoM layers, Genus 4K: 4K BoM layers for Genus Project heads, Catwa HDPro: HD appliers for Catwa HDPro heads + Classic BoM layers (standard UV map, non-EvoX). Fat pack: all contents listed above.
- WarPaint Opulence Lashes Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Opulence lashes are compatible with Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads and include the following eyelash appliers: glitter lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), black eyelashes with glitter. For these lashes to appear correctly, the eyelashes must be tinted white via your LeL hud. Tintable lashes (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles), white tintable eyelashes. These lashes can be tinted any colour through your mesh head hud.
The Makara earrings available in 10 metals and 20 diamonds, resizeable on click,
multi-colored, materials enabled. Copy only.
- Wings ES1201 Hair Grays & Browns Pack New - Mainstore
This hairstyle has four style, hair (rigged). Including three head size and 4 kinds of breast size, materialsre. Color hud: grays & browns, blondes & reds, variety & omber, streaks, morandi (fat pack only), tint color hud.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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