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- Adorsy Joanna Set Fat Pack New - Cosmopolitan & after event -Mainstore
The Joanna set includes denim jacket fat pack 45 colors, top 65 fat pack colors, jeans
fat pack 25 colors, pants fat pack 40 colors and shoes fat pack 40 colors.
Sizes: Maitreya LaraX, PetiteX, Legacy, Reborn.
- Omy Amora Bento Animated & Breathing Poses Fat Pack New - Anthem
& after event - Mainstore
This Amora set is sexy, alluring and feminine.
Comes 4 poses with eye focus for some added drama, but also without.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️