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- Guapa Juliana Skin Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Juliana skin for Lelutka EvoX and compatible with all heads using the Evo X map. Included in this package: face skin (brows and browless) in 10 tones, base eyebrows, shape for Lelutka Avalon head 4.0 and Legacy body, ears skin, 4 lips.
- Guapa Juliana Eyeshadows Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Juliana eyeshadow for Lelutka EvoX, BoM only, 4 styles.
Unisex eyes for Lel Evo, EvoX. Eye packs include: Lelutka applier, mesh eyes, BOM, 5 common colours. All prizes are transfer, copy, fat pack available. Included in all boxes: applier hud for Lelutka (works with both Evo and EvoX).
- Angel Baby Hair 14 Hairbase EvoX Fat Pack New - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Hairbase only for Lelutka, Akeruka & Catwa EvoX heads, 25 colors in fat pACK, BoM (tattoo layers), skinless, tintable. Also available in B&W only version (sold separately). 100% original product.
- Kunglers Amy Necklace Fat Pack New - Fameshed
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
This unique and fashionable piece is skinned for GenX, Lara and LaraX, Legacy, Reborn. Also includes a resizable and repositionable version. Multi texture hud with lots of options for metals, colours and gems.
- Kunglers Manon Ring Fat Pack New - The Vault
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
This gorgeous ring, marine inspired. Skinned for GenX, Lara and LaraX, Legacy, Prima, Reborn. Also includes a resizable and repositionable version. Multi texture hud with lots of options for metals, flower colours and gems.
- Doux Sam Hair Blogger Pack - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
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