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- [Rezz Room] Pug HotDog Animesh Fatpack New - Fameshed
- Mainstore & - Marketplace
The Pug HotDog box includes: holdable, companion, 3 fur color, 4 eyes color,
PBR/Legacy texture. Fatpack including black skin.
- Store Mona Spring Drinks Fatpack - Mainstore& - Marketplace
The Spring drinks: 11 items, 2 rares, fem and male versions, animated + static v. included.
- Store Mona Passione Collection Fatpack New - Mainstore& - Marketplace
The Passionate collection includes: cake plates, candles, champagne tray, rose champagne tray, passione cakes, tulip bouquets. Decorative items - copy/mod, animations included. Holdable - copy only, resizable, animation L hand. Items sold separated.
- Tachinni Kendall Set Megapack New - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya LaraX, Legacy + Perky + Bombshell, Reborn + Waifu boobs. Top options
(all options are in the provided hud's depending on the version): 30 colors top, 32 colors pearls on / off function, 7 colors safety pins on / off function. Jeans options (all options
are in the provided hud's depending on the version): 25 colors jeans, 32 colors pearls on
/ off function, 7 colors safety pins + metals on / off function for the safety pins, 10 lollipop options on / off function.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️