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- LaGyo Grimilde Set New for TSS - Mainstore
Grimilde includes: Crown (available in 6 colors) 75L each, Choker+Earrings (available in 6 colors) 75L each. The Grimilde release will be available after the weekend at full price.
- Ersch Lytsy Dress New - Epiphany Event
Available for Legacy, LegacyPerky, Lara, LaraPetite, Kupra & Reborn. Each pack has not linked deco, & Hud for roses &pearls. Wings come as unrigged resizable item. Fatpack full HUD & modify.
- Tutti Belli Makeup All Black Eyeshadow Collection New For Sokawaii Sundays - Mainstore
Collection: 9 different eyeshadow available for Lelutka Evo X. Sold separately & fatpack.
- Tutti Belli Makeup Next Love Lipstick Collection New For Sokawaii Sundays - Mainstore
Collection: 9 different lipstick available for Lelutka Evo X.
- Doux Lia Hairstyle - Mainstore
- Rezz Room Sphynx Animesh (Holdable) v1.0.1 - Mainstore
- Lelutka Lilly 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore