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- TheSkinnery Lamia (Lelutka EvoX) Skin & Shape Fat Pack New - Kustom9
Demos also available - Mainstore
Shape designed for Avalon. Compatible with all Evox heads, 5 eyebrow options (browless included), makeup kit, neck blend built in, hairbase option on skin, HD ears. Also compatible with AK ADVX line and LOGOParisX.
- Tville Lustrous Eyes Pack 11-15 New - The Arcade & after event - Mainstore
Comes in 20 colors, 15 commons and one rare pack (Lelutka appliers and Bom Layers are included - Bom works with EVOX, AK ADVX and HDPRO).
- Top1Salon Bom Modo Eyeshadow Fat Pack New - Mainstore
Eyeshadow comes in two opacity level 100% and 75% each pallete have 5 colors for 4 skin tones. Eyeshadow for Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads.
- Michan Kacey Necklace Fat Pack - Mainstore
Unrigged mesh necklace, resizable, materials enabled, pendant colors HUD included.
- Doux Unruly Hair - Mainstore
- Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
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