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- TheSkinnery Leona (Lelutka EvoX) Skin BoM Fat Pack New - Anthology
Demos also available - Mainstore
Shape designed for Avalon, compatible with all EvoX heads, 7 eyebrow options (browless included), makeup kit, neck blend built in, hairbase option on skin, HD ears. Also compatible with Catwa EvoX, AK EvoX, Logo EvoX (shown Toffee skin tone).
- Lotus Dove Eyes Fat Pack New - Anthology
& after event - Mainstore
Unisex eyes for Lel Evo, EvoX. Eye packs include: Lelutka applier, mesh eyes, BOM, 5 common colours. All prizes are transfer, copy, fat pack available. Included in all boxes: applier HUD for Lelutka (works with both Evo and EvoX).
- WarPaint HD Moondust Eyeshadow Fat Pack New - Anthology
& after event - Mainstore
The Moondust eyeshadow is available in the following packs: LeL Evo/EvoX: HD appliers for Lelutka Evolution heads (Evo Classic & EvoX) + EvoX BoM layers, Genus: 4K BoM layers for Genus Project heads + Classic BoM layers (standard UV map, non 4K), Catwa HDPro: HD appliers for Catwa HDPro heads + Classic BoM layers (standard UV map, non-EvoX). Fat pack: all contents listed above.
- WarPaint HD Studio Lashes Fat Pack New - Collabor88
& after event - Mainstore
The Studio lashes are compatible with Lelutka Evo/EvoX heads and include the following eyelash appliers: 4 eyelash styles (2 upper styles + 2 lower styles) in 4 colour options (1 black + 3 ink-dipped glitter). Important: for the glitter styles to appear correctly, the eyelashes must be tinted white via your LeL hud.
- Orsini Jewel Care Vaiana Earrings Fat Pack New - Dubai
& after event - Mainstore
The Vaiana earrings for all bodies, unrigged.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head Update New - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️