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- Guapa Leslie Skin Lelutka EvoX & AK ADVX for Happy Weekend 60L New - Mainstore
Compatible with Velour body skins - 9 BOM tones(brow and browless) and fatpack. Shape for Lelutka Avalon and style card included(showed skin tone Rose Kiss).
- Hide Store Contact Eyes New - Marketplace
Eyes applier(apply the color on the right, left or both). Works on Lelutka Evo and EvoX.
- Doux Chill Hair - Mainstore
The Basic pack includes: 3 fitted mesh head sizes, HUD with 132+ hair colors, color change HUD. The Deluxe HUD includes: style HUD.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore