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- MeHoney Josephine Bodysuit New - Cosmopolitan
& after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Sizes: Maitreya Lara, Legacy, L.Perky, Inithium Kupra, E.Reborn. Bodysuit has 2 versions, there is also a HUD for changing the colors of the bow and lace.
Valeria Tattoo supports:Maitreya, Legacy, Omega (covers Slink, Belleza, etc.), BOM. Three color choices (3 opacities included; 100%, 75%, 50%): white, black, pink. Fatpack bonus - tintable BOM layers: outline, filler (separate leaves and butterfly).
- Kuni Sol Hairstyle - Mainstore
- Lelutka Halle 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore