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- MeHoney Luna Top New - Cosmopolitan & after event - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Sizes: Maitreya Lara, L. Perky, Legacy, E.Reborn, Inithium Kupra.
Possibility to change the color of the tape only when buying a fatpack.
- MeHoney Cassandra Skirt - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Sizes: Maitreya Lara, Legacy, E.Reborn, Inithium Kupra. HUD with metal for each skirt package. The fatpack of skirts includes 10 skirt colors, 7 metal colors and 4 thread colors. Fat Pack 50% discount. Each skirt has a lively sheen on the pockets.
Rigged for Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn mid feet.
Accessory show/hide options in the HUD. Full colors HUD in fatpack.
100% original mesh, HUD: 10 colors (X3), resize.
- Pity Party + Sullen Confection Rushton Buns New - Epiphany (.Taxi to Mainstore.)
Options: regular hold (body put together) for adults and kids, ripped off head and body hold for adults and kids, rezzable version 1 land impact. Mod |Copy | No Trans.
- Sintiklia Brooklyn Hair - Mainstore
- Lelutka Halle 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Ebody Reborn 1.69.3 Body - Mainstore