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- ViSion Eloise Set Fat Pack Update New - Mainstore
Eloise set is composed of a jumpsuit with an optional belt, a denim vest with 2 versions tight and loose and a pair of sneakers. Compatible with Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Perky, Slink HG, Belleza Freya, Kupra, eBody Reborn.
- Synnergy.Tavis Miami Beach [360] Backdrop - Mainstore
Backdrop is 100% mesh. Photo scene and comes copy/modify.
- Foxwood Little Dalmation - Mainstore
Modify/copy, stand, walk, sit, 2 land impact.
- Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore
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