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- Guapa Natasha Skin Fatpack New - The Fifty
& after event - Mainstore
The Natasha skin for Lelutka Evo X and compatible with all heads using the Evo X map. Included in package: face skin (with and without brows) in 12 tones, base eyebrows, custom shape for Lelutka Avalon head 4.0 & Ebody Reborn, ears skin, 5 lip options.
- RAON Olivia Hairstyle Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Olivia hairstyle is a delicate masterpiece that brings elegance and charm to your look. It features: tulips in 8 beautiful colors, a soft, wavy bangs for a graceful touch. Lelutka EvoX layers and mesh hairbases to fit also Genus, mesh addons and color hud included.
- Glitzz Royal Crown Fatpack - Mainstore
Beautiful crown diamonds includes 25 diamond colors and 3 metal options.
Sold in fatpack option only.
- Glitzz Triple Pearls Set Fatpack - Mainstore
The Triple Pearls set includes necklace and earrings, unrigged, resizable version only.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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