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- Eudora Beauty Andie Skin Fatpack New - Mainstore
The Andie skin for Lelutka EvoX, Akeruka ADVX EvoX, Catwa EvoX. Skins available in
11 Velour and 8 Eudora Beauty tones. Included: face skin (with brows and browless), base eyebrows, shape for Lelutka Avalon Head 4.0, ears skin (shown Velour Sienna skin tone).
- Simple Bloom Indira Eyes Diamond Pack Fatpack - Mainstore
Includes: 12 iris tones, 03 sclera options (default, cold, warm), independent sides.
The Indira eyes appliers for Lelutka Evo X.
- Top1Salon HD Party Lipstick Fatpack New - Mainstore
4 pallets 10 colors HD lipsticks for Lelutka Evo, EvoX heads. Every variation have in 2 styles.
- RAON Noelle Hairstyle Fatpack New - Santa Inc
& after event - Mainstore
The Noelle hairstyle: Lelutka EvoX layers and mesh hairbases to fit also Genus, mesh addons and color hud included.
- Michan Natalie Necklace Fatpack New - Fameshed
& after event - Mainstore
Available for Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya, Lara X. Left or right version included.
- Michan Natalie Bracelets Fatpack New - Fameshed
& after event - Mainstore
Available for Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya Lara X. Left or right version included.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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