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- Adorsy Ophelia Outfit - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya, Lara Petite, Legacy, Kupra. Shirt fat pack 65 colors(40 basic+25 prints). Fabric shorts 65 colors(40 basic+25 prints). Denim shorts fat pack 54 colors(25 basic+29 denim prints). Bra with animated gems fat pack 20 gem colors - 15 metal colors, 40 basic colors and the bra cover can be transparent or hidden. Body jewelry with animated gems fat pack 20 gem colors - 15 metal colors, 40 basic colors for bows. Possibility to wear jewelry also like a belly chain. Shoes fat pack 40 colors(optional fishnet parts).
- Foxy Seeker Hair - Mainstore
3 braid styles, windblown option, 8 hairtie colors.
Comes in Catwa, Genus and Lelutka Evolution fitted head sizes.
Compatible with mesh bodies: Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra.
100% original mesh, HUD: 12 diff quotes, resize, left hand bento holding animation.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore