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- Lotus Aurah Set Fat Pack New - Skin Fair 2023 & after event - Mainstore
Includes lipstick and eyes. Unisex eyes for Lel Evo, EvoX. Eye packs includes: Lelutka applier, mesh eyes, BOM, 5 common + 2 rare. All prizes are transfer, copy, fatpack available. Included in all boxes: applier HUD for Lelutka(works with both Evo and Evo X).
5 HD + 2 rare lipstick shades(works with both Evo and Evo X).
Set includes: earrings(with resizer), necklace(with resizer), movie tickets(with color and resizer hud + 2 bento poses, popcorn box(with color and resizer hud + 2 bento poses R&L).
- Hilly Haalan Selene Outfit Fat Pack New - Marketplace & - Mainstore
HUD driven 20 cropped top, 15 leggings and 15 mules colors. For bodies: Maitreya Lara, Maitreya Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Reborn.
- Foxy Ghost Hair Fat Pack New - Mainstore
Separately colored streak, 3 bangs options, optional hair wraps fatpack exclusive, 14 hair tie and wrap colors. Comes in Catwa, Genus and Lelutka Evolution sizes.
- Foxcity Photo Booth Stupid Boys - Marketplace & - Mainstore
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore
Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️