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- Adorsy Priscilla Set New - Cosmopolitan & after event - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Kupra. Laced top fatpack 40 colors, solid top
fatpack 60 colors (40 basic, 20 prints), jeans fatpack 45 colors (25 basic, 20 prints).
Shoes fatpack 40 colors.
- LaGyo Jacinta Necklaces - Mainstore
Multi layer necklaces with HUD for various parts. Everything mod/copy unrigged.
Optional bangs, optional bobble hair ties, separately colored streak.
Comes in Catwa, Genus and Lelutka Evolution sizes.
- Lyrium Watermelon Drink Static Hold - Mainstore 2 static holds and mirrors, color change HUD.
- Lelutka Halle 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore