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- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Opulein Samia (Lelutka EvoX) Skin Fatpack New - Skin Fair'25
& after event - Mainstore
The Samia skin available in 16 shades by Velour and compatible with Lelutka EvoX heads.
- Opulein Rebecca Hairstyle Fatpack New - Mainstore
The hairbase Lelutka EvoX + mesh hair bun + mesh hair pin, 4 pack colors,
5 shades in each pack, hud to customize and select colors.
- Stardust Moon Eyes Fatpack New - Skin Fair'25
& after event - Mainstore
The Moon eyes are unisex eyes in 40 color choices and 3 sclera options each.
Supporting: Lelutka Evo/EvoX, omega, mesh, BoM.
- Livia Paradise Rings & Earrings Fatpack - Mainstore
The earrings rigged mesh for Lelutka EvoX female (human). The rings rigged mesh for Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Gen.X. Includes 7 metals, 12 gem colors, show/hide each ring and earring, full bright and gem glow on/off. Copy only.
- Nerido Jani Dress Fatpack - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Perky, Kupra.
Luxury and custom textures.
- Omy Magnolia Animated & Breathing Poses Fatpack New - Kustom9
& after event - Mainstore
Sweet, sassy and ready for spring...meet Magnolia.
Comes 4 bento poses with and without eye focus for a little added sass.
- Minois Call Me Textures Fatpack New - Marketplace
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