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- Romazin Jewelry Klausina Set New - Enchantment Event
& after event -Mainstore & Marketplace
Panties & bra sizes: Maitreya, Legacy, L.Perky, KUPRA. HUD metal and fabrics only in fatpack. Clausina set in 11 amazing colors. 100% original mesh & textures.
- Hilly Haalan Chiara Heels New - Marketplace & - Mainstore
HUD driven 50 colors. For Bodies: Maitreya, Belleza, Slink High, Tonic, Legacy, Kupra.
- Phoenix Morgana Hairstyle - Marketplace & - Mainstore
Fitted alpha mesh hair, styling options, 3 head sizes (S M L fits Genus, Lelutka, Catwa very well). Built in hair base, highlight enhancement system (sold separately or choose the fatpack). Optional 5 different hair clips (Baby, Satan, Princess, Witch, Devil).
Different metal and gem textures.
- Lelutka Lilly 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.4 Body - Mainstore