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- Omy Sayuri Animated & Breathing Poses Fatpack New - Equal10
& after event - Mainstore
She's confident, bold and sexy with a touch of delicate.
Sayuri comes 4 bento poses with and without eye focus for a more dramatic look.
- MugSL Stevie Outfit Fatpack New - Equal10
& after event - Mainstore
The Stevie bodysuit - comes in 6 base color + 4 bonus fatpack colors. Rigged for:
LaraX, PetiteX, FlatX, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Legacy Vtech, Reborn, Reborn Vtech,
Reborn Waifu. The Stevie skirt - comes in 6 base color + 4 bonus fatpack colors.
Each color pack comes with color changing laces and underwear. Rigged for:
LaraX, Legacy, Reborn.
- [Rezz Room] Parrot Animesh Fatpack - Mainstore & - Marketplace
Available in 3 versions: on shoulder, on hand, fatpack. Interactive parrot ,
you can teach him some words, will repeat in local chat.
- Lelutka Avalon 4.0 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.7 Body - Mainstore
Big Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️