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- Foxy Elvira Hair Fat Pack New - Mainstore
The Elvira hair includes separately colored streak, optional bow (FP exclusive), 8 hairtie and 15 bow colors. Comes in Catwa, Genus and Lelutka Evolution sizes.
- Enamour Belgium Choco Drinks Fat Pack New - The Food Court
& after event - Mainstore
The Belgium Choco dark and milky chocolate flavor, unrigged, My Story version sold separately, unisex r/l hand pose, resizable script, rez version, material enabled, copy only.
- Enamour Snowflakes Belly Piercing Fat Pack New - Mainstore
Available in 8 metals, 16 stars, 3 snowflake's. Rigged for Kupra, Reborn, Gen.X classic and curvy, Legacy. Materials enabled, copy only.
The Keep You Guessing top + gloves available sizes: Maitreya Lara X + Maitreya Petite X, Legacy + Perky, eBody Reborn + eBody Reborn Juicy Rolls + eBody Reborn Waifu + eBody Reborn Waifu Juicy Rolls. Single size basic colors: each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic hud for top + gloves (can be worn separate), material option on+off. Upgrade huds: with the upgrade hud (each 9 colors), you have the possibility to add more colors to your 'single size basic' version, material option on+off. Single size fat pack: each purchased single size fat pack includes: 31 colors for top + gloves (can be worn separate), material option on+off. All sizes fat pack: all available sizes, 31 colors for top + gloves (can be worn separate), material option on+off. The Keep You Guessing pants available sizes: Maitreya Lara X + Maitreya Petite X, Legacy + Perky, eBody Reborn + eBody Reborn Juicy Rolls. Single size basic colors: each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic hud, material option on+off. Upgrade huds: with the upgrade hud (each 9 colors), you have the possibility to add more colors to your 'single size basic' version, material option on+off. Single size fat pack: each purchased single size fat pack includes: 31 colors, material option on+off. All sizes fat pack: all available sizes, 31 colors, material option on+off. The Keep You Guessing skirt available sizes: Maitreya Lara X + Maitreya Petite X, Legacy + Perky, eBody Reborn + eBody Reborn Juicy Rolls. Single size basic colors: each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic Hud for skirt + panties (on+off option), material option on+off. Upgrade huds: with the upgrade hud (each 9 colors), you have the possibility to add more colors to your 'single size basic' version, material option on+off. Single size fat pack: each purchased single size fatpack includes: 31 colors for skirt + panties (on+off option), material option on+off. All sizes fat pack: all available sizes, 31 colors for skirt + panties (on+off option), material option on+off. The Keep You Guessing platform heels available sizes: Maitreya
Lara X (will also fit Maitreya Lara Classic), Legacy, eBody Reborn. Fat pack: all available sizes, 31 base colors, 31 strap colors, 31 fur sole colors, material option on+off.
- Lelutka Avalon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.6 Body - Mainstore
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