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- Ives.Beauty Pocah Skin EvoX Fat Pack New - CakeDay
Demos also available - Mainstore
Available in 11 skintones: Compatible with Velour's body skins: Snow, Valley, Chantilly, Rose Kiss, Sienna, Ibiza, Sunkiss, Praline, Illa, Brownie, Chocolate. Included with purchase: skin and neckblend as tattoo BOM layers, ears as universal BOM layers, brows: light, dark and no brows, shapes for head and brows. Layers are modifiable for tinting.
- Hilly Haalan Adora Set Fat Pack New - Marketplace & - Mainstore
Adora outfit HUD driven 30 colors for shirt dress, panty and lace up booties. For bodies:
Maitreya Lara, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Reborn.
- Boutique#187 Minaudiere Fat Pack New - Mainstore
100% original mesh, 1 basic pack with: 6 metal colors (x2), 10 leather colors (x2), left hand bento holding animation, high priority, no anim version included, 4 addons available +1 addon exclusive in fat pack. Be sure to get leather pack before buy any addon.
- Synnergy.Tavis Spring Courtyard [360] Backdrop - Mainstore
Backdrop is 100% mesh. Photo scene and comes copy/modify.
- iTGirls & Velour Picasso Babe Body Skin Slim Muse - Mainstore
- Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.6 Body - Mainstore
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