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- Adorsy Caddy Outfit New - Cosmopolitan & after event - Mainstore
Set includes: Top fat pack 60 colors(40 basic+20 prints). Denim overall fat pack 45 colors(25 basic + 20 denim prints). Overal fat pack 40 colors. The upper part of the overall is optional , possibility to wear it as shorts. Denim boots with optional stockings - fat pack 25 colors. Sizes: Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Pushup, Reborn, Juicy, Kupra.
This hairstyle has 4 style, rigged. Size: large, large+, medium, medium+, small, small+. Color HUD: gray, gold, brown, red, variety, omber, morandy(fatpack only). Tint color HUD.
- Lueur Kioko Skin New - Marketplace & - Mainstore
BOM skin Lelutka EvoX. Included: brow shape, shape for Lelutka EvoX Ceylon 3.1 head and browless option. Available in Sovereign, Marquise, Contessa, Matriarch, Highness.
(showed Matriarch tone)
- Lueur for Reborn body Body Skin - Mainstore
Can buy seperate or fatpack. 12 tones of base skin for Reborn tattoo and skin layers. 3 different belly options, 3 different breast options. Fatpack exclusive gifts. Tones(in the order) light to dark: Sovereign, Marquise, Contessa, Matriarch, Highness, Majesty, Royalty, Princess, Queen, Sultana, Goddess, Empress.
- Lyrium Foxy Hot Chocolate Mug & Cookie for Saturday sale 75L$ - Mainstore Comes with arms, head and full body animations, color changer HUD.
- Lelutka Ceylon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- eBody Reborn 1.69.4 Body - Mainstore