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- Pity Party Tulsi Skin For EvoX Fat Pack New - Collabor88 & after event - Mainstore
Options: 8 tones, 2 brow options, HD ears. Shape sold separately for Briannon and eBody only. Face's are fitted for Velour bodies(shown Picasso Babe Skin body option in Rosekiss).
Comes in 15 colors and 3 packs(fatpack discounted). Included: Lelutka appliers for Evo/EvoX), BOM layers(for AK ADVX, HDPRO, EvoX), Omega appliers(for any mesh head supporting Omega).
8 high quality minimalistic and bold lashes.
Available for Genus, Catwa HD PRO and Lelutka EvoX.
- Revoul Cherry Linkiana Choker - Mainstore
Choker is mod, resizable and available in 12 colors.
- Wasabi Hollis Hair Blondes Pack - Mainstore
Hair features a cute high ponytail in two versions(“still” and windswept),
optional bangs and a scrunchie in 16 metallic textures.
- Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Legacy Female 1.5.1 Body - Mainstore
Thanks to all my Followers and my great Sponsors ❤️