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- Adorsy Vanessa Outfit New - Cosmopolitan & after event - Mainstore
Sizes: Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn - Juicy. Crochet top fat pack 60 colors(40 basic + 20 gradient). Top fabrick fat pack 65 colors(40 basic +25 prints). Denim overall fat pack 45 colors - (25 basic + 20 denim prints). The top part of the overall is optional so it can be wron as pants. Shoes fat pack 40 colors.
Sizes: Legacy, Maitreya, Erika, Reborn, Kupra. Full colors change HUD in fat pack.
- Stealthic Lethal Hairstyle - Mainstore
- Lelutka Halle 3.1 Head - Mainstore
- Ebody Reborn 1.69.3 Body - Mainstore