Outfit: .miss chelsea. etta swimwear & heels @Uber
(Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Perky, Freya)
Hair: Truth Meadow Hair & Hat @the mainstore
Skin: ::Loa:: Bibi + Aqua Eyes @Beauty Event
(7 different tones and designed to fit Lelutka EVO X Heads)
Eyebrow: Simple Bloom Julia Fire @the mainstore & in the marketplace
(HD/BoM brows for EvoX)
Necklace: LaGyo_Mya @the mainstore
Rings: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Bento @the mainstore
Camera: Movement - My Camera white @the mainstore
(Bento compatible)
Backdrop: Amitie Bamboo @the mainstore
Pose & Lolli: Infiniti @marketplace